Modern Times 0 Reviews

By: Shabir Mir

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After a long, tiring day; as Shakir is about to sleep, he finds three Djinns knocking at his door. The Djinns have come to carry out the Performance Appraisal and Brand Building (PABB) exercise of their organization: as per which the three Djinns will fulfill three wishes of Shakir over the next three consecutive days and in turn Shakir will have to rank the Djinns as per their efficiency and performance. The top ranked Djinn will be retained by his organization while the other two Djinns will be shown the door. Due to the ‘budgetary limitations’ of the Djinns and due to the ‘imaginative limitation’ of Shakir, the three wishes do not turn up exactly as they were supposed to. Things get messier and messier. By the end, Shakir is about to be hanged, and the Djinns are desperate to get their PABB form filled.

‘Modern Times’ is a grotesque tale that tries to explore how the contemporary materialism and over-rationalism that conditions our thought and imagination is making an onslaught onto our fantasy as well.

ISBN (Digital) -
ISBN (Hard copy) 978-969-696-135-2
Total Pages 64
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1h
Genre Fantasy
Published By Daastan
Published On 21 May 2020
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Shabir Mir

Shabir Mir

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