Hardcopy Price
After Artemis and her warriors burned Pruden to ashes, Kael, a young threader, embarks on a quest to serve justice. On his quest to acquire limitless power, Kael struggles with his ideas, logic and nature all to learn the difference between justice and revenge in the process. Is light intrinsically good? Is darkness inherently bad? Is justice as simple as tit for tat? What does it mean to love and forgive? Kael learns how his perfect logic is unable to answer the simplest of questions as he witnesses massacres, battles beast-folk, encounters elves, fights wars and confronts deities all to understand the meaning of imperfect perfection in a universe where humans have gone extinct—or have they?
True Justice is a mesmerizing and profound story of exploring the fallacies of perfect logic and the perfection of the imperfect hodgepodges with call humans!
ISBN (Digital) | 0 |
ISBN (Hard copy) | 978-969-696-145-1 |
Total Pages | 92 |
Language | English |
Estimated Reading Time | 2h |
Genre | Fantasy |
Published By | Daastan |
Published On | 21 May 2020 |