The ocean of colliding thoughts 3 Reviews

By: Faiza Nasir

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“We are all sailors on a voyage to the ocean of colliding thoughts"

We all are carrying something inside us, our journeys, fears, damages, wounds,  dreams, inspirations, love, and betrayals. Something that awakes us at sunrise and provokes us to chase our dreams. When the sun sets the birds fly to their nests there comes the time when thoughts hit the shore and float us deep into the ocean of colliding thoughts.

This book is for those who love to read poetry as long as the sun sets, the chocolate melts and the coffee lose its fumes.

ISBN (Digital) 978-969-696-231-1
Total Pages 90
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1 hr
Genre Poetry
Published By Daastan
Published On 26 Nov 2018
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Faiza Nasir

Faiza Nasir

The author is a post-grad student who often escapes from studies and finds solace in music, art, and poetry. Observations, optimism, and the emotional quotient are what provokes her to utter words on blank pages. Her words, perhaps don’t rhyme, but will make you feel something beyond the usual.


Bilal Babar


Feb 05, 2018

A great effort and a great result. Must read!!!

umme hoorain


Feb 05, 2018

Amara Nasir


Feb 04, 2018

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