Darkness That Leads To Light 2 Reviews

By: Adiha Sohail

"Belief is a much underrated phenomenon"

Momina Sagheer lived a luxurious life until a very unfortunate incident that has bestowed a burnt face upon her. She didn't let hope go. She held onto hope and became busy passing around small slivers of it to anyone who needs it.

Then she met Rahim, somebody who needed hope most of all. But she could never have foretold what happened next...

ISBN (Digital) 000
ISBN (Hard copy) 978-969-696-105-5
Total Pages 40
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1 hour
Genre Tragedy
Published By Daastan
Published On 26 Aug 2018
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Adiha Sohail

Adiha Sohail

A simple being with a complicated frame work in love with words and their power. A voracious reader .. An amateur writer.. A student of media sciences.


Sabah Shahid


Aug 13, 2016

Momina Sagheer is a character that you can't help but love.

Farah Khalid


Aug 10, 2016

Superb!! No words to explain my joy. This is really amazing.

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