A War Within 0 Reviews

By: aaina batool

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How far would you go to please the ones you love? Are you willing to lose God on your way?

Hira Rashid, a student, suffering from social anxiety tries to answer these questions to find the perfect balance between this life and the next one. As she interacts with a psychologist, she is forced to go down memory lane and live painful experiences that have shaped her destiny, in order to understand where she went wrong. This story focuses on the war that goes on within everyone, the choices that we are forced to make and the consequences of those choices that will forever haunt us.

ISBN (Digital) 978-969-696-061-4
Total Pages 40
Language English
Estimated Reading Time 1h
Genre Drama
Published By Daastan
Published On 28 Aug 2018
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aaina batool

aaina batool

Aaina Batool is an undergraduate currently completing her Bachelors in Business Administration. She is a passionate writer, baker and a business woman. She occasionally enjoys writing for different literary forums and is a freelance Academic writer and content creator.


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